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Gaining Mobile FEES Competency Is Beyond a Niche

Kay Neilson

Whether you are a newer clinician to mobile FEES, or are seasoned in the field with multiple states and facilities under your belt, things are always changing. At SEC Medical Speech Pathology Consulting & Training, we believe in thinking, and overthinking, every detail of your specific practice.........skill set, location of practice,  state and governmental regulations, protecting your license, having enough liability insurance, onsite mobile FEES training and mentorship on location, staying in touch with those we train, teaching best practices. It goes on and on, and always will. Thinking outside the box is at the forefront of what we do. At SEC Medical Speech Pathology Consulting & Training, we have over 22 years of FEES practice, mobile FEES ownership, national and international training and mentorship. We'd like to hear from you on the topic of mobile FEES!!!!!!

onsite mobile FEES